Guided Adventures

Explore and discover new sensations in amazing places.

Motorcycle trips without limits

A travel proposal with a specialized guide should not mean following a set of rules, strict schedules and planning without room for alternatives when circumstances require using them. All the adventures proposed by R2R are experiences in which all participants count and have a voice, making use of the broader vision of what the exploration of unique places is and experiencing, from the first second, the reality of the context.

Special tours

Exploring means visiting new places off the beaten path. Life experiences are found in isolated places, where the sensations that each participant experiences take on different dimensions.

Small groups

It is difficult to imagine sharing the route with an army of riders, and at the same time each participant obtains and lives a new and profound experience, in the broadest sense.


On some trips, a support car will provide extra security and comfort to the group of riders. The service of a 4×4 pickup support, in this type of exploration, offers important advantages, such as: carrying the participants’ luggage, camping equipment, water, food, tools. A vehicle with these characteristics also allows up to two motorcycles to be loaded in the rear and two passengers in the cabin.

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