Kyrgyzstan, a land to explore

Kirguistán, Bishkek

Despite being surrounded by mountains and geographically isolated, Kyrgyzstan was once part of the Great Silk Road

The Kyrgyz Republic is a country in Central Asia, which was part of the former Soviet Union and became independent in 1991.

Despite being surrounded by mountains and geographically isolated, in ancient times it was part of the Great Silk Road. The state furthest from the sea than any other country in the world is Kyrgyzstan.

Today it is a growing economy with a democratic regime, and its people combine modern lifestyle with their ancient nomadic traditions.

Ten reasons to travel to Kyrgyzstan

1.    The richest nomadic culture
With traditions maintained for centuries until today.

2.    The remains of the Great Silk Road
Three of its routes passed through Kyrgyzstan and you can still admire the remains of that civilization.

3.   Three peaks over 7000 meters
Lenin (7,134 m), Poveda (7,439 m), and Khan Tengri (7,010 m). Paradise for mountaineers.

4.    A beautiful and diverse nature
Amazing flora, fauna and landscapes. Mountains, ancient forests, lakes, wild rivers, glaciers, nature reserves, unique species.

5.    The Epic Poem of Manas
With more than half a million verses, it is the largest epic poem preserved by oral tradition. It condenses the entire Kyrgyz culture. You can hear part of it from the voice of one of its few narrators, the “manaschi”.

6.    High mountain lakes
More than 2000 lakes. They are located in highlands, surrounded by mountains, forests, and pristine nature, such as Issyk-Kul, Son-Kul and many others.

7.    Winter tourism
Kyrgyzstan is considered by some to be the second Switzerland and is popular for its winter resorts. All types of categories, slopes and environments with amazing landscapes, both for amateurs and professionals.

8.    Shyrdaks. Traditional Kyrgyz carpets
Felt processed by hand with artisanal procedures. Each piece is unique. Its average life is one hundred years. The Kyrgyz consider their shyrdaks to be one of their most valuable household items. You’ll also find many other delicious crafts.

9.    The four seasons in one day
Traveling through Kyrgyzstan you will see snow, rain, sun, wind, heat and cold, all in the same day. You can swim in a lake or throw snowballs regardless of the season.

10.    Travel visa-free from many countries
Kyrgyzstan has a visa-free regime for citizens of 62 countries. A special permit is required to visit specific border areas.

Visa System

Kyrgyzstan has a system whereby citizens of 60 countries are exempt from visas for a period of between 30 and 90 days. Among these countries are most of the countries of the European Union and North America.

More information:

Since September 1, 2017, the Kyrgyz government has launched an “Electronic Visa” system.

This allows citizens of other countries who need a visa to submit their request via the Internet. The request only takes 3 business days to be processed. The visa can be paid on the website itself using a VISA or MasterCard card.

The “Electronic Visa” system is available for entry and exit through three checkpoints: Manas International Airport in Bishkek, Osh International Airport and the “Akzhol” border post on the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan. .

More information:

Citizens with a Spanish passport DO NOT need a visa and have a free 60-day stay in the country.


The culture and spirituality of the Kyrgyz people are very interesting and cognitive. Its customs, traditions and history leave no one indifferent.

The unusual energy and originality of the Kyrgyz people are reflected in their art, music, dances, national games, in the creations of their folk craftsmen, in national clothing, their cuisine, and in their peculiar form of traditional accommodation, the yurts.

The World Nomad Games held in Kyrgyzstan every two years are a sporting and cultural event that brings together all countries with a nomadic tradition.

In addition to the official scheduled activities, this event is experienced in the country with great enthusiasm, so at that time the nomadic culture comes to light throughout the country.


Kyrgyzstan offers a unique opportunity to enjoy nature in its purest form. 90% of Kyrgyzstan’s territory is covered by the Tien Shan and Pamir mountain system.

Pobeda (7,439 m), Lenin (7,134 m) and Khan Tengri (7,010 m) peaks are part of this mountain range.

The Kyrgyz Republic is a sunny country. In its wonderful natural environment we can find mountain rivers and streams, huge snowy areas and wonderful valleys and gorges covered in alpine flowers.

Glaciers occupy 4% of the national territory. There are more than 8000 glaciers in Kyrgyzstan, the longest of them measuring up to 60.5 km.


The hospitality of the Kyrgyz people is one of their main virtues. And this hospitality comes from ancient times.

For centuries, the majority of Kyrgyzstan’s population has lived a nomadic lifestyle. This is changing in the last century, but helping the traveler seeking refuge is now part of their culture.

Silk Road travelers who passed by the yurt of a Kyrgyz family did not leave it without sharing with its owners the traditional bread and the national drink, Kumuz, made from fermented mare’s milk.

Family traditions, which have evolved over centuries, reflect the wisdom accumulated by many generations.

The Kyrgyz people show great respect for the elderly, especially parents.

Do you want to see some of my photographs about Kyrgyzstan?

Visit this link to view the photos.

** Text Author: Ricard Tomás

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